
I’m Lana, cofounder and CEO of ClinicNote. I’m so excited to chat with you about all the possibilities for your private practice clinic’s EMR, and how this streamlined EMR solution can help you serve patients and manage documentation more efficiently—all while keeping the human side of patient care in mind.

Please select a time that works with your schedule. Can’t wait to chat with you!


The ClinicNote Difference

Easy to Use

Spend less time learning processes and more time helping patients.


Keep data safe, secure, and compliant with HIPAA.

Cost Effective

Transparently priced software that won’t break the bank.

Human Support

Our team of real humans helps ClinicNote work FOR you.

Ready to See ClinicNote in Action?

Schedule a Discovery Call

Learn how ClinicNote can benefit your private practice.

Book a Demo

Bring your team together for a free 60‑minute demo to see how ClinicNote really works as a truly full-suite EMR solution.

Onboard & Launch

From start to finish, we’ll walk you through every step of onboarding, seamlessly implementing ClinicNote so you can efficiently serve your patients.